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八秩芳华 • 恒元物理学讲座(第263期)

时间:2024/04/10 10:36:57来源:威廉希尔点击量:

报告题目Molecular dissociation after Resonant Auger decay in N2

报告人:刘小井 研究员,上海科技大学




When an electron is resonantly excited from a core orbital to a Rydberg one in a molecule, complex multistep processes at different time scale are triggered. By using a high-resolution energy-resolved coincidence between Auger electron and ions, we identified the sequences of processes following the spectator Auger decays induced by K-shell excitation in and N2 molecules.  

 Vibronic coupling can happen during dissociation. We identify the resonant Auger decay channels that lead to the lowest dissociation limit after the excitation N 1s → πg* in N2 molecule. From the kinetic energy release spectra of these channels at vibrational quantum number ν = 0, 1, and 2 in the excitation, we give a clear proof of the vibronic coupling between the D 2Πg and 2 2Πg states. Also, the lifetime vibration interference effect is identified.


刘小井,上海科技大学物质学院研究员。2001中国科大获博士学位。2004年末到日本东北大学,历经博士后和研究助理教授。2010年到法国SOLEIL同步辐射光源任束线科学家。2013年回国,在上海应物所做研究员,2015年在北航工作,2017年加入上海科大。长期关注基于同步辐射、自由电子激光吸收和超快激光的各种原子分子谱学研究,包含吸收谱、光电子能谱、离子质谱、三维动量分布及其符合测量。曾研制位置探测器(中国科大)、冷靶反冲离子动量谱仪COLTRIMS(东北大学/SACLA)、高能高分辨符合谱仪EPICEA(法国SOLEIL)和复合速度成像谱仪(上海科大)。在Nature Photonics, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Physical Review Letters等杂志发表论文百余篇。


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