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时间:2023/09/18 08:34:59来源:威廉希尔点击量:

报告题目Molecular Nanospintronics: Theory Begins to Shake Hands with Experiment

报告人Georg Lefkidis (德国凯泽斯劳滕-兰道工业大学)

报告时间:2023年9月22日(星期五), 上午10:00



As the thirst for computer power is ever-growing and computer technology slowly reaches the classical limits of conventional semiconductor electronics, new alternatives are needed. Innovation is thinkable with respect to the materials (e.g., employing nanostructures), and with respect to the logic (using quantum logic). Both paths can be met with magnetic molecules as building blocks, paving the way toward full-fledged magnetic nanologic. Our results can help us to elucidate the microscopic mechanisms behind ultrafast spin dynamics and pave the way towards designing of future nanospintronic devices.

First, we investigate the time-dependent photoinduced dynamics in a Fe3 molecule (Fig. 1a) [1], revealing spin-flipping channels. Second, we analyze substrate effects, by exemplarily investigating the adsorption of iron porphyrin on Cu (100) (Fig. 1b) using second-harmonic generation. Third, we look into the magnetic properties of two magnetic polymers of Cu(II) complexes, the magnetic behavior of which can be controlled through different stackings [2]. Fourth, we study the ultrafast dynamics of [Dy2Ni2(L)4(NO3)2(DMF)2] (Fig. 1c) as well as trigonal monopyramidal Fe and Ni complexes (Fig. 1d) [3]. By comparing theory with experiment, we unveil the (partial) metal-to-oxygen charge transfer and estimate the thermal system-to-bath coupling constant [4]. Finally as concrete examples of possible realization of quantum logic we present a charge-spin gear box on the synthesized magnetic nanostructure Co3Ni(EtOH) [5], and the implementations of the Controlled-NOT, Hadamard, SWAP, and Pauli gates states in [Dy2Ni2(L)4(NO3)2(DMF)2] [6] and Co-decorated graphene nanoflakes [7]




[1] F. Liedy, R. Shi, M. Coletta, J. Vallejo, E. K. Brechin, G. Lefkidis, W. Hübner, and J. O. Johansson, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 501, 166476 (2020).

[2] S. Chen, B. C. Mummaneni, X. Jiang, Y. Chen, Y. Chen, G. Lefkidis, W. Hübner and L. Jia, Cryst. Growth Des. 21, 2744 (2021).

[3] X. Liang, J. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, C. Li, G. Lefkidis, W. Hübner, and W. Jin, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 24881 (2022).

[4] S. Sold, B. C. Mummaneni, N. C. Michenfelder, Y. Peng, A. K. Powell, A.-N. Unterreiner, G. Lefkidis, and W. Hübner, ChemistryOpen 11, e202100153 (2022).

[5] G. Lefkidis, W. Jin, J. Liu, D. Dutta, and W. Hübner, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 2592 (2020).

[6] B. C. Mummaneni, J. Liu, G. Lefkidis, and W. Hübner, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 2479 (2022).

[7] Y. Zhang, S. Xu, J. Liu, W. Jin, G. Lefkidis, W. Hübner, and C. Li, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 8107 (2023).


 Georg Lefkidis,德国凯泽斯劳滕工业大学(现德国莱茵普法尔茨州凯泽斯劳滕-兰道工业大学,RPTU)教授,西北工业大学客座研究员。1995年获希腊塞萨洛尼基亚里士多德大学硕士学位。2002年获希腊塞萨洛尼基大学博士学位。2003至2007年在德国凯泽斯劳滕工业大学从事博士后研究工作,合作导师Hübner教授。2007获得德国凯泽斯劳滕工业大学物理系终身教职,2016年被授予德国国家教授资格。研究方向有光诱导磁动力学第一性原理计算,量子热力学,量子逻辑设计,分子自旋电子学等。迄今,Georg Lefkidis 教授在同行评审的学术刊物上发表论文80余篇 (包括一篇 Nature Physics, 4 PRL, 28 PRB, 2篇 Carbon, 3篇JPCL),出版超快自旋动力学书籍1部。在国际学术会议、大学、研究机构作受邀报告近60场。同时,担任了多个国际知名期刊的审稿人工作。

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