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时间:2023/07/11 15:27:07来源:威廉希尔点击量:

报告题目:Theoretical research on 2D materials: From surface nanostructures toward single-atom catalysis

报告人:Krisztián Palotás 研究员(匈牙利科学院固体物理和光学所)



报告摘要:Two-dimensional (2D) materials are very promising as building blocks for several applications, such as nanotemplates, molecular electronics, heterogeneous & single-atom catalysis, sensing, light harvesting, etc. In my talk I will show how theoretical research based on density functional theory (DFT) can contribute to the understanding of the properties of 2D materials. After a brief overview of our group's

theoretical activities I will present two examples of single layer 2D materials on metal supports: Au and Rh metal adsorption and intercalation on hexagonal boron nitride on Rh(111) surface and nitrogen defects in corrugated graphene on Ir(111) and Ru(0001) surfaces.



Krisztián Palotás研究员就职于匈牙利科学院Wigner物理学研究中心,是欧洲知名的物理学家,在欧洲多个国家的研究生院担任兼职教授并获得了多个国家共计45万欧元的科研经费资助。他的研究专长是场效应作用中电子与原子的微观动力学行为的理论模拟与第一性原理计算。他自主发展了3D-WKB-STM计算软件包,在表面科学的电子输运领域的研究中获得了国际同行的广泛认可。KP研究员在Phys. Rev. Lett. 等国际权威期刊共发表学术论文78篇,H因子24,多次受邀在国际学术会议上做邀请报告。2021年,Krisztián Palotás研究员荣获匈牙利物理学会最为重要的Pál Gombás(匈牙利著名科学家)奖。“Pál Gombás Prize Prize of the Hungarian Physical Society”,并因此受邀担任Elsevier出版社旗下《Computational Condensed Matter》杂志的编委和客座编辑。


地址:威廉希尔长安校区致知楼 | 邮编:710119 | 电话:029-81530750 | Email:wlbg@snnu.edu.cn