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时间:2023/06/01 09:32:15来源:威廉希尔点击量:

报告题目: Conversion of Chirality to Twisting via 1D-to-2D Growth of Graphene Spirals

报告人: 王竹君 教授上海科技大学

报告时间: 202361日(星期, 下午3:00



 The properties of two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) materials can be tuned through nanostructuring or controlled layer stacking, where interlayer hybridization induces exotic electronic states and transport phenomena. Here, we describe an assisted self-assembly of twisted layer graphene. The process, which can be implemented in standard chemical vapour deposition (CVD) growth, is best described using the analogy to Origami and Kirigami of paper and involves wrinkle formation, folding, tearing, and re-growth. Inherent to the process is the formation of intertwined graphene spirals and conversion of the chiral angle of one-dimensional (1D) wrinkles into a 2D twist angle of a three-dimensional (3D) superlattice. The approach can be extended to other foldable 2D materials and facilitates the production of miniaturized electronic components, including capacitors, resistors, inductors, and super-conductors.


王竹君,上海科技大学物质学院研究员,博士生导师,兼任Thermo Fisher原位电子显微镜顾问。主要从事开发新型电子束扫描成像技术及其在表面科学与催化科学中的应用研究,拥有10年以上的真空差分设计与电子显微镜扫描成像技术开发实绩。基于自主发展的原位观测方法,在金属催化剂表面上低维纳米材料演化行为与机理、表界面化学振荡等领域取得了系列创新性研究成果。开创了在极端环境下(高温、近常压小分子与腐蚀性气氛)具有表面原子级敏感的实空间实时成像表征方案;精确测量了化学气相沉积过程中二维材料的堆垛次序、层间作用力、生长与拼接行为等可精确操控材料结构性质的关键参数;揭示了金属表面催化反应进程中的产物转化率与时空斑(spatiotemporal patterns)行为之间的构效关系;以扫描电子束成像手段为桥梁,开发了表界面的多重多尺度原位观测手段,并尝试弥合了长期困扰表面实验科学中的三大鸿沟问题。共发表学术论文40余篇,荣获两次青年科学家奖,一次欧洲电镜学会年度杰出论文奖。




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