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时间:2012/11/12 10:10:47来源:威廉希尔kyms点击量:
报告题目Recent Development of High-Performance Piezo-/Ferroelectric Materials
:叶作光 教授(西安交通大学)
        Relaxor ferroelectrics-based single crystals of complex perovskite solid solutions of binary Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–PbTiO3 [PMN-PT] and Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3–PbTiO3 [PZN-PT], and ternary Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–PbTiO3 [PIN-PMN-PT] systems exhibit extraordinary piezoelectric performance with extremely high piezoelectric coefficients, very large electromechanical couple factors and exceptionally high strain levels. These properties outperform the currently used Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 [PZT] ceramics, making them the materials of choice for the next generation of electromechanical transducers for a broad range of advanced applications (such as high-end medical ultrasonic imaging systems and sonar). [1]
        In this talk, recent major advances in the development of piezocrystals are presented in terms of crystal growth, dielectric and piezoelectric properties, device applications and crystal chemistry and physics. The outstanding piezoelectric response of these crystals can be related to the nature of morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) in the solid solutions and the peculiar domain states and phase components engineered through appropriate electric field poling. In addition, the new ternary solid solution systems are presented with further improved properties (a higher depoling temperature, a larger coercive field and a higher mechanical quality factor) and broader perspectives for transducer applications in the near future. Recent development and perspectives of lead-free piezo-/ferroelectric materials will also be discussed.

[1] Z.-G. Ye, "High-Performance Piezoelectric Single Crystalsof Complex Perovskite Solid Solutions", Mater. Res. Soc. Bull., Vol. 34, pp. 277-283 (2009).

        叶作光 , 1962年12月生。1983年合肥工业大学学士毕业。1984年赴法国留学, 1988年获法国波尔多大学固体材料科学理学博士。先后担任瑞士日内瓦大学博士后/讲师/研究员。日本新潟大学副教授。现任加拿大西蒙-菲莎大学化学系终生教授,系主任。 芬兰Oulu大学“Info-Oulu”讲座教授。电子陶瓷,铁电压电材料领域国际知名学者。长期从事新型多功能材料研究,在弛豫型铁电体、高性能压电单晶和新材料新合成方法等方面进行了开创性的研究工作,取得了一批具有国际影响的创新性研究成果,学术成就得到了国际同行的广泛认可,研究成果发表在Nature MaterialsAdv. Funct. Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.J. Am. Chem. Soc.Physical Review LettersPhys. Rev. BAppl. Phys. Lett. Chem. Materials 等高水平学术期刊上。发表学术论文250多篇(含多篇综述),被他人引用4000余次。 编辑专著一部: “Handbook of Advanced Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Materials”, 英国剑桥Woodhead Publications Ltd  出版 (2008)。在重要国际会议上做大会报告和特邀报告110余次,担任国际会议组织者或分会主席35次。当选国际电子与电气学会(IEEE)高级会员 和超声,铁电和频控协会执委会委员兼标准化主任。 担任第20届IEEE国际铁电应用会议(加拿大温哥华,2011年)大会主席。现任国际压电单晶标准化委员会主席。
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