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学术报告:Electronic conduction properties of indium tin oxide: single-particle and many-body transport

时间:2015/01/06 11:00:41来源:威廉希尔kyms点击量:
报告题目:Electronic conduction properties of indium tin oxide: single-particle and many-body transport

人:林志忠 教授(台灣交通大學 物理研究所及電子物理系)




Indium tin oxide (Sn-doped In2O3-d or ITO) is a very interesting and technologically important transparent conducting oxide.This class of material has been extensively investigated for decades, with research efforts mostly focusing on the application aspects.The fundamental issues of the electronic conduction properties of ITO from room temperature down to liquid-helium temperatures have rarely been addressed thus far. Studies of the electrical-transport properties over a wide range of temperature are essential to unraveling the underlying electronic dynamics and microscopic electronic parameters. In this study, we show that one can learn rich physics in ITO material, including the semi-classical Boltzmann transport, the quantum-interference electron transport, as well as the many-body Coulomb electron-electron interaction effects in the presence of disorder and inhomogeneity (granularity). To fully reveal the numerous avenues and unique opportunities that the ITO material has provided for fundamental condensed matter physics research, we demonstrate a variety of charge transport properties in different forms of ITO structures, including homogeneous polycrystalline thin and thick films, homogeneous single-crystalline nanowires, and inhomogeneous ultrathin films. In this manner, we not only address new physics phenomena that can arise in ITO but also illustrate the versatility of the stable ITO material forms for potential technological applications. We emphasize that, microscopically, the novel and rich electronic conduction properties of ITO originate from the inherited robust free-electron-like energy bandstructure and low-carrier concentration (as compared with that in typical metals) characteristics of this class of material.


1. J. J. Lin and Z. Q. Li, Electronic conduction properties of indium tin oxide: single-particle and many-body transport, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter26, 343201 (2014). (Topical Review)

2. 透明导电锡掺杂氧化铟综述文章的故事》,《物理》雜誌(北京),20151月。


林志忠,台灣交通大學物理研究所及電子物理系教授。1979年获得台湾交通大学电子物理系学士学位,1986年获得美国普渡大學(Purdue University)物理系博士学位,1986 –1987年在美国University of Michigan–Ann Arbor物理系博士后研究,1987 –1988年在美国University of Virginia物理系博士后研究,1988 –1992年在国立台湾大学物理系副教授,1992 1997年在国立台湾大学物理系教授,1997 迄今工作于台湾国立交通大学。研究领域为低溫物理/凝聚態物理,具体涉及介观物理 (量子输运、电子相位相干时间)、納米物理 (納米結構低温输運现象、納米接点导电过程)、顆粒系統(低溫輸運現象、quantum percolation)、强关联物理 (近藤效应、量子相变)、二能級系統、低頻噪聲 (1/f noise)2011年获得行政院国家科学委员会杰出研究奖;2007–20112012–2015年担任中国物理学会(北京)《物理》杂志编委;MemberC5 Commission on Low Temperature PhysicsInternational Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)





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