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学术报告:Evidence for a bimodal distribution in human communication

时间:2015/05/21 08:37:00来源:威廉希尔kyms点击量:
报告题目Evidence for a bimodal distribution in human communication

:吴烨 副教授 (北京邮电大学理学院)


报告地点威廉希尔 五层沙龙室(长安校区致知楼3515房间)

王新刚 教授


Interacting human activities underlie the patterns of many social, technological, and economic phenomena. Here we present clear empirical evidence from Short Message correspondence that observed human actions are the result of the interplay of three basic ingredients: Poisson initiation of tasks and decision making for task execution in individual humans as well as interaction among individuals. This interplay leads to new types of inter-event time distribution, neither completely Poisson nor power-law, but a bimodal combination of them. We introduce a minimal model of two interacting priority queues incorporating the three basic ingredients which fits well the distributions using the parameters extracted from the empirical data. The model can also embrace a range of realistic social interacting systems such as e-mail and letter communications when taking the time scale of processing into account. Our analysis and modeling of bimodal activity in human communication from the viewpoint of the interplay between processes of different time scales is likely to shed light on bimodal phenomena in other complex systems, such as inter-event times in earthquakes, rainfall, forest fire, and economic systems, etc.




地址:威廉希尔长安校区致知楼 | 邮编:710119 | 电话:029-81530750 | Email:wlbg@snnu.edu.cn