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时间:2015/04/14 08:56:04来源:威廉希尔kyms点击量:
报告题目:Mathematical modeling and control of wave processes in excitable media

人:Prof. Vladimir S. Zykov(德国马克-普朗克研究院自组织研究所)

报告时间:20154 17 (星期五)下午4:30

人:屈世显 教授



Our study is concentrated on nonlinear dynamics of wave patterns appearing in excitable media. These patterns play a very important role in diverse physical, chemical or biological processes. Self-organized formation of wave patterns in excitable media represents a broad and intensively developed field of study in nonlinear dynamical systems and have potential applications, e.g. in cardiology, cell and population physiology.

Target patterns, rigidly rotating and meandering spirals, critical fingers and wave segments are common spatio-temporal patterns in two-dimensional excitable media. The main aim of our work is to reveal a universal mechanism for wave pattern selection in excitable media with different local kinetics. To this aim a free-boundary approach elaborated earlier should be essentially modified and efficient numerical tools should be elaborated to study pattern formation processes in excitable media, in particular, under permanently changing parameters and environmental conditions. This can be used to influence the self-organization processes as is illustrated by several examples of the efficient control methods.


Vladimir S. Zykov教授多年来致力于复杂系统中斑图动力学领域的理论发展,及其在Belousov-Zhabotinsky化学反应,一氧化碳在铂金表面的催化氧化反应,黏性霉菌生物群落中的自组织过程,以及心电信号的传播从而调控心肌细胞收缩等方面的广泛应用。

Zykov教授依靠其丰富的知识背景(前苏联的生物物理和计算机双博士),提出了在本领域至关重要的一类程函关系,从而为定量上讨论高维斑图的动力学行为提供了理论基础。同时,作为本领域的领军人物,和业内众多一流研究人员保持合作关系,解释了很多复杂系统中的重要问题。 Zykov教授在NaturePhysical Review Letters等物理学顶级学术刊物上发表了十多篇高质量文章。他所著的《Simulation of wave processes in excitable media》一书在本领域被视为经典教科书和学术论文的必引书目。

Zykov教授至今担任Phys. Rev. Letter, Phys. Rev. E, Physica D, Europhys. Lett., Chaos, PCCP等众多国际一流杂志的审稿人。现在德国马克-普朗克研究院自组织研究所(Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization)担任Research Scientist。他在1973年至1992年期间曾担任苏联科学院控制科学研究所的首席科学家,在1994年至1996年期间曾获WE-Heraeus-Stiftung Fellowship





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