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时间:2016/12/19 09:13:12来源:威廉希尔kyms点击量:

曲江学者论坛是威廉希尔主办的人才引进论坛,旨在邀请有志来威廉希尔工作的海内外优秀人才,就国际科技、经济、教育、文化前沿和热点研究问题进行学术讨论和交流,以促进学科交叉与学术创新,增进学术合作与相互信任,加深与会学者对威廉希尔的全面了解,促成海内外优秀人才来校建功立业。 威廉希尔分会场学术报告安排如下:

报告时间:20161222(星期四) 上午9:00



王高仁 博士(德国汉堡大学





报告题目2 Exciton-Plasmon Interaction in the Quantum Dots-Silver Nanowire System

李强 博士(香港科技大学


The generation of single plasmons by coupling silver nanowire (NW) with single quantum emitters opens the prospects of using quantum optical techniques to control single surface plasmons (SPs) and designing novel quantum plasmonic devices. In this report, we first show the experimental demonstration of resolving single plasmons generated by a pair of quantum dots (QDs) on a silver NW waveguide. The accurate positions of the two QDs with separation ranging from micrometers to 200 nm within the di?raction limit are determined by using superresolution imaging method. Then we experimentally measured for the ?rst time the quantum yield of single SPs generated by the exciton?plasmon coupling in a system composed of a single QD and a silver NW. Finally we show that multiple QDs coupled with silver NWs could be controllably excited by modulating the SPs field on the NW. We demonstrate the selective excitation of two QDs with a separation of about 100 nm.


      Dr. Qiang Li received his PhD in condensed matter physics from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science in 2014. He became a Postdoc Fellow at Department of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in March 2015. Since November 2016, he has been a lecturerin the School of Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, South China Normal University, China.Dr. Qiang Li’s research focuses on the exciton-plasmon interaction in single molecule level. Now he mainlyconcentrates on the reconstructionof the plasmonic near field distribution using single molecule fluorescence superresolution imaging method and the discoveringof Rabi splitting in single molecule coupled with plasmonic nanostructure. He has published in peer-reviewed journals including Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Journal of Physical and Chemistry C and Chinese Physics B, etc.




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