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职称/职务: 副教授
电子信箱: tianye@snnu.edu.cn
办公地点: 长安校区致知楼3129


       2013.09-2018.06      南京大学威廉希尔        声学                       博士研究生 

       2008.09-2012.06      吉林大学威廉希尔        应用物理学           本科






1> 田野, 左淑毓, 程营, 刘晓峻*. 基于相位调控的超高透射声学超表面及其应用. 应用声学 37(5), 691-700 (2018).

2> Ye Tian, Qi Wei, Ying Cheng*, and Xiaojun Liu*. Acoustic holography based on composite metasurface with decoupled modulation of phase and amplitude. Applied Physics Letters 110, 191901 (2017).

3> Ye Tian, Qi Wei*, Ying Cheng, Zheng Xu, and Xiaojun Liu*. Broadband manipulation of acoustic wavefronts by pentamode metasurface. Applied Physics Letters 107, 221906 (2015).

4> Zhiwang Zhang#, Ye Tian#(共同一作), Yihe Wang, Shuxiang Gao, Ying Cheng*, Xiaojun Liu*, and Johan Christensen*. Directional Acoustic Antennas Based on Valley-Hall Topological Insulators. Advanced Materials, 1803229 (2018).

5> Zhiwang Zhang#, Ye Tian#(共同一作), Ying Cheng*, Qi Wei, Xiaojun Liu*, and Johan Christensen*. Topological acoustic delay line. Physical Review Applied 9, 034032 (2018).

6> Fangfang Ju, Ye Tian, Ying Cheng, Xiaojun Liu. Asymmetric acoustic transmission with a lossy gradient-index metasurface. Applied Physics Letters, 113(12): 121901 (2018).

7> Shu-Yu Zuo, Ye Tian, Qi Wei*, Ying Cheng, and Xiao-Jun Liu*. Acoustic analog computing based on a reflective metasurface with decoupled modulation of phase and amplitude. Journal of Applied Physics 123, 091704 (2018).

8> Zhiwang Zhang, Ye Tian, Ying Cheng*, Xiaojun Liu*, and Johan Christensen*. Experimental verification of acoustic pseudospin multipoles in a symmetry-broken snowflakelike topological insulator. Physical Review B 96, 241306 (2017).

9> Qi Wei, Ye Tian, Shu-Yu Zuo, Ying Cheng*, and Xiao-Jun Liu*. Experimental demonstration of topologically protected efficient sound propagation in an acoustic waveguide network. Physical Review B 95, 094305 (2017).

10> Bao-guo Yuan, Ye Tian, Ying Cheng*, and Xiao-jun Liu*. An acoustic Maxwell’s fish-eye lens based on gradient-index metamaterials. Chinese Physics B 25, 104301 (2016).

地址:威廉希尔长安校区致知楼 | 邮编:710119 | 电话:029-81530750 | Email:wlbg@snnu.edu.cn