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林海平,威廉希尔/威廉希尔/凝聚态物理专业,教授。2003年获得青岛大学学士学位、2004年获得英国利物浦大学(The University of Liverpool)硕士学位(优秀毕业生)、2008年获得英国利物浦大学博士学位。硕、博导师为英国皇家科学会成员Werner Hofer教授。博士学习期间在德国马普学会Fritz-Haber研究所Matthias Scheffler教授和Karsten Reuter教授团队2005-2006进行了为期1年的合作培养。博士后工作期间在丹麦工业大学Technical University of DenmarkJens Nørskov教授课题组(2008-2009进行了为期1年的学术访问,并共同为GPAW计算软件包开发了基于格林函数方法的STM模拟计算模块回国联合使用第一性原理计算、机器学习数据分析方法和实验室合成与测试等研究方法,对当前关键的物理、化学、材料和信息工程问题进行多维度的科学研究并提出解决方案。目前已在包括Nature ChemistryNature CommunicationsJournal of the American Chemical SocietyAngewandte ChemieNano LettersNano EnergyACS NanoAdvanced Energy Materials等国际权威学术期刊发表SCI论文100,高被引论文8篇,H index = 37







1. 多尺度理论计算方法的发展与应用:

1) 在微观尺度上,通过密度泛函理论DFT)计算光、电和加热条件下的基元催化过程和反应机理。

2在介观尺度上,通过蒙特卡洛Monte Carlo模拟和机器学习(Machine Learning)对纳米材料的薄膜生长、分子组装和催化过程进行理论计算与模拟。

2. 温和条件下能源分子高效转化的催化剂设计与实验发展





1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:以热-电串联催化机制为导向的电化学析氧催化剂材料的理性设计,22373063,2024.012027.12

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:应用于电解水析氢的新型无机复合材料的理性设计与机理研究,21771134,2018.012021.12

3. 陕西省秦创原引用高层次创新创业人才项目,2021.012024.01

4. 中央高校交叉融合团队项目:高效电解水催化剂材料的理性设计与实验发展,GK2022030022022.012024.12

5. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目:STM针尖效应的计算分析及其功能化设计的计算模拟,BK20150305,2015.072018.06



1. Chinese Chemical Letters青年编委

2. Nature CommunicationsJournal of the American Chemical SocietyJouleEnergy & Environmental ScienceAdvanced Energy Materials国际权威期刊审稿人


[71] S. Liu, H. Tan, Y. Huang, Q. Zhang, H. Lin*, L. Li, Z. Hu, W. Huang, C. Pao, J. Lee, Q. Kong, Q. Shao, Y. Xu*, X. Huang*, Structurally-Distorted RuIr-Based Nanoframes for Long-Duration Oxygen Evolution Catalysis, Advanced Materials, 35 (2023) 2305659.

[70] S. Li, Y. Liu, K. Feng*, C. Li, J. Xu, C. Lu, H. Lin*, Y. Feng, D. Ma*, J. Zhong*, High Valence State Sites as Favorable Reductive Centers for High-Current-Density Water Splitting, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 62 (2023) e202308670.

[69] W. Qiao, X. Fan, W. Liu, F.N. Khan, D. Zhang, F. Han, H. Yue, Y. Li, N. Dimitratos, S. Albonetti, X. Wen, Y. Yang, F. Besenbacher, Y. Li, H. Niemantsverdriet, H. Lin*, R. Su*, Creating and Stabilizing an Oxidized Pd Surface under Reductive Conditions for Photocatalytic Hydrogenation of Aromatic Carbonyls, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145 (2023) 5353-5362.

[68] K. Feng, R. Song, J. Xu, Y. Chen, C. Lu, Y. Li, W. Hofer, H. Lin*, Z. Kang*, J. Zhong*, The S-Fe(Ni) sub-surface active sites for efficient and stable overall water splitting, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 325 (2023) 122365.

[67] M. Wang, J. Wang, P. Huang, H. Lin*, Q. Li*, New strategies to improve two-electron oxygen reduction reaction selectivity of polypyrrole-based catalysts, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11 (2023) 2168-2177.

[66] C. Deng, J. Wang, H. Zhu, C. Xu, X. Fan, Y. Wen, P. Huang, H. Lin*, Q. Li*, L. Chi*, Constructing Two-Dimensional Distorted Kagome Lattices on Ag(111), The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, (2023) 9584-9589.

[65] W. Bian, X. Shen, H. Tan, X. Fan, Y. Liu, H. Lin* and Y. Li*, The triggering of catalysis via structural engineering at atomic level: direct propane dehydrogenation on Fe-N3P-C, Chinese Chemical Letters, 34 (2023) 107289.

[64] Y. Yang, R. Song, X. Fan, Y. Liu, N. Kong, H. Lin* and Y. Li*, A mechanistic study of selective propane dehydrogenations on MoS2 supported single Fe atoms, Chinese Chemical Letters, 34 (2023) 107257.

[63] Y. Zhao, X. Li, X. Fan, H. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. Chen, T. Yang, J. Ye, H. Huang, H. Li, X. Zhang, Y. Liu, H. Lin*, Y. Zhao*, Z. Kang*, Small-molecule Catalyzed H2O2 Production via A Phase-transfer Photocatalytic Process, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 314 (2022) 121499.

[62] X. Fan, S. Tan, J. Yang, Y. Liu, W. Bian, F. Liao*, H. Lin*, Y. Li*, From Theory to Experiment: Cascading of Thermocatalysis and Electrolysis in Oxygen Evolution Reactions, ACS Energy Letters, 7 (2022) 343-348.

[61] D. Yang, Z. Su, Y. Chen*, K. Srinivas*, X. Zhang, W. Zhang, H. Lin*, Self-reconstruction of a MOF-derived chromium-doped nickel disulfide in electrocatalytic water oxidation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 430 (2022) 133046.

[60] Y. Liu, X. Fan, W. Bian, Y. Yang, P. Huang, W.A. Hofer, H. Huang, H. Lin*, Y. Li*, S.-T. Lee, High-loading Fe-1 sites on vanadium disulfides: a scalable and non-defect-stabilized single atom catalyst for electrochemical nitrogen reduction, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10 (2022) 21142-21148.

[59] M. Zhang, W. Zhang, X. Fan, Y. Ma, H. Huang, X. Wang, Y. Liu*, H. Lin*, Y. Li, H. Tian*, M. Shao*, Z. Kang*, Chiral Carbon Dots Derived from Serine with Well-Defined Structure and Enantioselective Catalytic Activity, Nano Letters, 22 (2022) 7203-7211.

[58] X. Gao, X. Liu, S. Yang, W. Zhang*, H. Lin*, R. Cao*, Black phosphorus incorporated cobalt oxide: Biomimetic channels for electrocatalytic water oxidation, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 43 (2022) 1123-1130.

[57] F. Liao, X. Fan, H. Shi, Q. Li, M. Ma, W. Zhu, H. Lin*, Y. Li* and M. Shao*, Boosting electrocatalytic selectivity in carbon dioxide reduction: The fundamental role of dispersing gold nanoparticles on silicon nanowires, Chinese Chemical Letters, 33 (2022) 4380-4384.

[56] R. Zhou, X. Fan, X. Ke, J. Xu, X. Zhao, L. Jia, B. Pan, N. Han, L. Li, X. Liu, J. Luo, H. Lin*, Y. Li*, Two-Dimensional Palladium–Copper Alloy Nanodendrites for Highly Stable and Selective Electrochemical Formate Production, Nano Letters, 21 (2021) 4092-4098.

[55] Z. Liang, N. Kong, C. Yang, W. Zhang, H. Zheng*, H. Lin*, R. Cao*, Highly Curved Nanostructures Coated Co, N-Doped Carbon Materials for Oxygen Electrocatalysis, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60 (2021) 1-7.

[54] Y. Xu*, X. Wang, D. Yang, Z. Tang, M. Cao, H. Hu, L. Wu, L. Liu, J. McLeod, H. Lin*, Y. Li, Y. Lifshitz*, T.-K. Sham, Q. Zhang*, Stabilizing Oxygen Vacancies in ZrO2 by Ga2O3 Boosts the Direct Dehydrogenation of Light Alkanes, ACS Catalysis, 11 (2021) 10159-10169.

[53] Y. Han, J. Wang, L. Song, Y. Zheng, Y. Li, H. Lin*, Q. Li*, L. Chi*, A Fundamental Role of the Molecular Length in Forming Metal-Organic Hybrids of Phenol Derivatives on Silver Surfaces, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,12 (2021) 1869-1875.

[52] Q. Dang, H. Lin (equal contribution), Z. Fan, L. Ma, Q. Shao, Y. Ji, F. Zheng, S. Geng, S.-Z. Yang*, N. Kong, W. Zhu, Y. Li*, F. Liao, X. Huang*, M. Shao*, Iridium metallene oxide for acidic oxygen evolution catalysis, Nature Communications, 12 (2021) 6007.

[51] D. Yang, Z. Su, Y. Chen*, K. Srinivas, J. Gao, W. Zhang, Z. Wang*, H. Lin*, Electronic Modulation of Hierarchical Spongy Nanosheets toward Efficient and Stable Water Electrolysis, Small, 17 (2021) 2006881.

[50] X. Liu, X. Fan, H. Huang, H. Lin*, J. Gao*, Electronic modulation of oxygen evolution on metal doped NiFe layered double hydroxides, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 587 (2021) 385-392.

[49] X. Wang, W. Bian, Y. Ma, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, C. Shi, H. Lin*, Y. Liu*, H. Huang*, Z. Kang*, Hydroxyl-terminated carbon dots for efficient conversion of cyclohexane to adipic acid, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 591 (2021) 281-289.

[48] K. Wei, F. Liao, H. Huang, M. Shao*, H. Lin*, Y. Liu*, Z. Kang*, Simple Semiempirical Method for the Location Determination of HOMO and LUMO of Carbon Dots, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125 (2021) 7451-7457.

[47] K. Niu, X. Ni, H. Wang, Y. Li, K. Palotás, H. Lin*, and L. Chi*, On-surface synthesis of 2D COFs via molecular assembly directed photocycloadditions: A first-principles investigation, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 33 (2021) 475201.

[46] X. Chen, X. Zhang, J. Gao, Q. Li, Z. Shao*, H. Lin*, M. Pan*, Computational Search for Better Thermoelectric Performance in Nickel-Based Half-Heusler Compounds, ACS Omega, 6 (2021) 18269-18280.

[45] H. Lin, Z. Wang, H. Wang, J. Gao, H. Ding, Y. Xu, Q. Li, Q. Guo, Z. Ma*, X. Yang*, M. Pan*, In Situ Observation of Stepwise C-H Bond Scission: Deciphering the Catalytic Selectivity of Ethylbenzene-to-Styrene Conversion on TiO2, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11 (2020) 9850-9855.

[44] L. Li, Y. Wen, H. Ming, H. Zhang, W. Bian, H. Lin* and Y. Yang*, Insight into the Li- and Zn-Ion Synergistic Effect for Benzoquinone-Based Anodes in Aqueous Batteries, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3 (2020) 8309-8316.

[43] K. Feng, D. Zhang, F. Liu, H. Li, J. Xu, Y. Xia, Y. Li, H. Lin*, S. Wang, M. Shao*, Z. Kang*, J. Zhong, Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution by a Thermocatalytic Process Cascaded Electrocatalysis Over Sulfur-Treated Fe-Based Metal-Organic-Frameworks, Advanced Energy Materials, 10 (2020) 2000184.

[42] B. Jiang, X. Fan, Q. Dang, F. Liao, Y. Li, H. Lin*, Z. Kang*, M. Shao*, Functionalization of metal oxides with thiocyanate groups: A general strategy for boosting oxygen evolution reaction in neutral media, Nano Energy, 76 (2020) 105079.

[41] N. Kong, X. Fan, F. Liu, L. Wang, H. Lin*, Y. Li*, S.-T. Lee, Single Vanadium Atoms Anchored on Graphitic Carbon Nitride as a High-Performance Catalyst for Non-oxidative Propane Dehydrogenation, ACS Nano, 14 (2020) 5772-5779.

[40] F. Liu, L. Song, Y. Liu, F. Zheng, L. Wang, K. Palotas, H. Lin*, Y. Li*, Using the N-N dipole as a theoretical indicator for estimating the electrocatalytic performance of active sites in the nitrogen reduction reaction: single transition metal atoms embedded in two dimensional phthalocyanine, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8 (2020) 3598-3605.

[39] Y. Xu, M. Chu, F. Liu, X. Wang, Y. Liu, M. Cao, J. Gong, J. Luo, H. Lin*, Y. Li, Q. Zhang*, Revealing the Correlation between Catalytic Selectivity and the Local Coordination Environment of Pt Single Atom, Nano Letters, 20 (2020) 6865-6872.

[38] P. Zeng, C. Liu, X. Zhao, C. Yuan, Y. Chen*, H. Lin*, L. Zhang*, Enhanced Catalytic Conversion of Polysulfides Using Bimetallic Co7Fe3 for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, ACS Nano, 14 (2020) 11558-11569.

[37] S. Bai, F. Liu, B. Huang, F. Li, H. Lin, T. Wu, M. Sun, J. Wu, Q. Shao, Y. Xu*, X. Huang*, High-efficiency direct methane conversion to oxygenates on a cerium dioxide nanowires supported rhodium single-atom catalyst, Nature communications, 11 (2020) 954.

[36] X. Yu, X. Li, H. Lin (equal contribution), M. Liu*, L. Cai, X. Qiu, D. Yang, X. Fan, X. Qiu, W. Xu*, Bond-Scission-Induced Structural Transformation from Cumulene to Diyne Moiety and Formation of Semiconducting Organometallic Polyyne, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 (2020) 8085-8089.

[35] T. Liu, Z. Jin, D. Liu, C. Du, L. Wang, H. Lin*, Y. Li*, A density functional theory study of high-performance pre-lithiated MS2 (M=Mo, W, V) Monolayers as the Anode Material of Lithium Ion Batteries, Scientific Reports, 10 (2020) 6897.

[34] X. Yuan*, Y. Wu, B. Jiang, Z. Wu, Z. Tao, X. Lu, J. Liu, T. Qian, H. Lin*, Q. Zhang, Interface Engineering of Silver-Based Heterostructures for CO2 Reduction Reaction, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020) 56642-56649.

[33] Q. Shao, H. Lin*, M. Shao*, Determining Locations of Conduction Bands and Valence Bands of Semiconductor Nanoparticles Based on Their Band Gaps, ACS Omega, 5 (2020) 10297-10300.

[32] B. Yang, N. Cao, H.X. Ju, H. Lin*, Y.Y. Li, H.H. Ding, J.Q. Ding, J.J. Zhang, C.C. Peng, H.M. Zhang, J.F. Zhu, Q. Li*, L.F. Chi*, Intermediate States Directed Chiral Transfer on a Silver Surface, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141 (2019) 168-174.

[31] Y. Xu, W. Bian, Q. Pan, M. Chu, M. Cao, Y. Li, Z. Gong, R. Wang, Y. Cui, H. Lin*, Q. Zhang*, Revealing the Active Sites of Pd Nanocrystals for Propyne Semihydrogenation: From Theory to Experiment, ACS Catalysis, 9 (2019) 8471-8480.

[30] M. Sheng, B. Jiang, B. Wu, F. Liao, X. Fan, H. Lin*, Y. Li, Y. Lifshitz*, S.T. Lee, M. Shao*, Approaching the Volcano Top: Iridium/Silicon Nanocomposites as Efficient Electrocatalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, ACS Nano, 13 (2019) 2786-2794.

[29] D. Liu, X. Fan, X. Wang, D. Hu, C. Xue, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, X. Zhu, J. Guo, H. Lin*, Y. Li, J. Zhong*, D. Li, X. Bu, P. Feng, T. Wu*, Cooperativity by Multi-Metals Confined in Supertetrahedral Sulfide Nanoclusters to Enhance Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution, Chemistry of Materials, 31 (2019) 553-559.

[28] K. Niu, Z. Qi, Y. Li, H. Lin*, L. Chi*, Theoretical Investigation of On-Purpose Propane Dehydrogenation over the Two-Dimensional Ru–Pc Framework, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (2019) 4969-4976.

[27] X.-L. Wang, C. Xue, N. Kong, Z. Wu, J. Zhang, X. Wang, R. Zhou, H. Lin*, Y. Li, D.-S. Li, T. Wu*, Molecular Modulation of a Molybdenum-Selenium Cluster by Sulfur Substitution To Enhance the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, Inorganic chemistry, 31 (2019) 553-559.

[26] Z. Liang, X. Fan, H. Lei, J. Qi, Y. Li, J. Gao, M. Huo, H. Yuan, W. Zhang, H. Lin*, H. Zheng*, R. Cao*, Cobalt–Nitrogen-Doped Helical Carbonaceous Nanotubes as a Class of Efficient Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 57 (2018) 13187-13191.

[25] Q. Li, H. Lin*, R. Lv, M. Terrones, L. Chi, W.A. Hofer*, M. Pan*, Locally Induced Spin States on Graphene by Chemical Attachment of Boron Atoms, Nano Letters, 18 (2018) 5482-5487.

[24] Q. Li, J. Gao, Y. Li, M. Fuentes-Cabrera, M. Liu, X. Qiu, H. Lin*, L. Chi*, M. Pan*, Self-assembly directed one-step synthesis of [4]radialene on Cu(100) surfaces, Nature Communications, 9 (2018) 3113.

[23] J. Gao, F. Li, G. Zhu, Z. Yang, H. Lu, H. Lin*, Q. Li, Y. Li, M. Pan*, Q. Guo*, Spontaneous Breaking and Remaking of the RS–Au–SR Staple in Self-assembled Ethylthiolate/Au(111) Interface, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (2018) 19473-19480.

[22] K. Niu, H. Lin*, J. Zhang, H. Zhang, Y. Li, Q. Li, L. Chi*, Mechanistic investigations of the Au catalysed C-H bond activations in on-surface synthesis, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (2018) 15901-15906.

[21] Y. Liu, K. Palotas, X. Yuan, T. Hou, H. Lin*, Y. Li*, S.-T. Lee, Atomistic Origins of Surface Defects in CH3NH3PbBr3 Perovskite and Their Electronic Structures, ACS Nano, 11 (2017) 2060-2065.

[20] B. Jiang, L. Yang, F. Liao, M. Sheng*, H. Zhao, H. Lin*, M. Shao*, A stepwise-designed Rh-Au-Si nanocomposite that surpasses Pt/C hydrogen evolution activity at high overpotentials, Nano Research, 10 (2017) 1749-1755.

[19] B. Jiang, Z. Tang, F. Liao*, H. Lin*, S. Lu, Y. Li, M. Shao*, Powerful synergy: efficient Pt-Au-Si nanocomposites as state-of-the-art catalysts for electrochemical hydrogen evolution, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 21903-21908.

[18] Y. Cheng, X. Fan, F. Liao, S. Lu, Y. Li, L. Liu, Y. Li*, H. Lin*, M. Shao*, S.-T. Lee, Os/Si nanocomposites as excellent hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts with thermodynamically more favorable hydrogen adsorption free energy than platinum, Nano Energy, 39 (2017) 284-290.

[17] B. Jiang, Y. Sun, F. Liao*, W. Shen, H. Lin*, H. Wang, M. Shao*, Rh-Ag-Si ternary composites: highly active hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts over Pt-Ag-Si, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 1623-1628.

[16] L. Zhu, H. Lin (equal contribution), Y. Li*, F. Liao, Y. Lifshitz, M. Sheng, S.-T. Lee*, M. Shao*, A rhodium/silicon co-electrocatalyst design concept to surpass platinum hydrogen evolution activity at high overpotentials, Nature Communications, 7 (2016) 12272.

[15] Z. Gong, B. Yang, H. Lin (equal contribution), Y. Tang, Z. Tang, J. Zhang, H. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Xie, Q. Li, L. Chi, Structural Variation in Surface-Supported Synthesis by Adjusting the Stoichiometric Ratio of the Reactants, ACS Nano, 10 (2016) 4228-4235.

[14] Q. Li, B. Yang, H. Lin (equal contribution), N. Aghdassi, K. Miao, J. Zhang, H. Zhang, Y. Li, S. Duhm, J. Fan, L. Chi, Surface-Controlled Mono/Diselective ortho C-H Bond Activation, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138 (2016) 2809-2814.

[13] B. Yang, H. Lin (equal contribution), K. Miao, P. Zhu, L. Liang, K. Sun, H. Zhang, J. Fan, V. Meunier, Y. Li, Q. Li, L. Chi, Catalytic Dealkylation of Ethers to Alcohols on Metal Surfaces, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 55 (2016) 9881-9885.

[12] M. Cao, Z. Tang, Q. Liu, Y. Xu, M. Chen, H. Lin*, Y. Li, E. Gross, Q. Zhang, The Synergy between Metal Facet and Oxide Support Facet for Enhanced Catalytic Performance: The Case of Pd-TiO2, Nano Letters, 16 (2016) 5298-5302.

[11] Y. Ji, H. Dong, H. Lin*, L. Zhang, T. Hou, Y. Li*, Heptazine-based graphitic carbon nitride as an effective hydrogen purification membrane, RSC Advances, 6 (2016) 52377-52383.

[10] B. Yang, J. Bjork, H. Lin, X. Zhang, H. Zhang, Y. Li, J. Fan, Q. Li, L. Chi, Synthesis of Surface Covalent Organic Frameworks via Dimerization and Cyclotrimerization of Acetyls, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137 (2015) 4904-4907.

[9] H. Zhang, H. Lin, K. Sun, L. Chen, Y. Zagranyarski, N. Aghdassi, S. Duhm, Q. Li, D. Zhong, Y. Li, K. Muellen, H. Fuchs, L. Chi, On-Surface Synthesis of Rylene-Type Graphene Nanoribbons, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137 (2015) 4022-4025.

[8] R. Ohmann, L.K. Ono, H.-S. Kim, H. Lin, M.V. Lee, Y. Li, N.-G. Park, Y. Qi, Real-Space Imaging of the Atomic Structure of Organic-Inorganic Perovskite, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137 (2015) 16049-16054.

[7] C. Du, H. Lin*, B. Lin, Z. Ma, T. Hou, J. Tang, Y. Li*, MoS2 supported single platinum atoms and their superior catalytic activity for CO oxidation: a density functional theory study, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 23113-23119.

[6] M. Ebrahimi, K. Huang, X. Lu, I.R. McNab, J.C. Polanyi, Z. Wagar, J. Yang, H. Lin, W.A. Hofer, Facile Charge-Displacement at Silicon Gives Spaced-out Reaction, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133 (2011) 16560-16565.

[5] K.R. Harikumar, J.C. Polanyi*, A. Zabet-Khosousi, P. Czekala, H. Lin, W.A. Hofer, Directed long-range molecular migration energized by surface reaction, Nature Chemistry, 3 (2011) 400-408.

[4] K.R. Harikumar, L. Leung, I.R. McNab, J.C. Polanyi*, H. Lin, W.A. Hofer, Cooperative molecular dynamics in surface reactions, Nature Chemistry, 1 (2009) 716-721.

[3] D.X. Shi, W. Ji, X. Lin, X.B. He, J.C. Lian, L. Gao, J.M. Cai, H. Lin, S.X. Du, F. Lin, C. Seidel, L.F. Chi, W.A. Hofer, H. Fuchs, H.J. Gao, Role of lateral alkyl chains in modulation of molecular structures on metal surfaces, Physical Review Letters, 96 (2006).

[2] Z. Deng, H. Lin, W. Ji, L. Gao, X. Lin, Z.H. Cheng, X. He, J. Lu, D. Shi, W. Hofer, H.J. Gao*, Selective analysis of molecular states by functionalized scanning tunneling microscopy tips, Physical Review Letters, 96 (2006) 156102.

[1] C. Africh, H. Lin, M. Corso, F. Esch, R. Rosei, W. Hofer, G. Comelli*, Water production reaction on Rh(110), Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127 (2005) 11454-11459.

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