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职称/职务: 教授
电话: 81530750
电子信箱: guangbinzhang@snnu.edu.cn
办公地点: 致知楼3428


姓名:张光斌       性别:男     

学历:工学博士      职称:教授(博导)








 2009年—2010   美国南加州大学,访问学者









1. 水下宽频带声子晶体换能器的研究(纵向项目),国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人,2016

2. 声光电多模式油气井测井套后检测技术及装备-高灵敏度噪声检测仪 (纵向项目),西安市科技局重点项目,2013

3. 单波束声捕获系统系统的研究(纵向项目),陕西省科技厅项目,2011

4. 石油测井声表面波密度计研制(纵向项目,西安市科技局,2010

5. 超声波刮雨器合作开发合同向项目),株洲桓基电气股份有限公司,2020

6. SBT石油测井压电晶体换能器研制(横向项目),西安威盛电子有限公司,2014



1. 级联式高强度功率超声压电陶瓷复合换能器的研究(纵向项目),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016

2. 颠倒睡眠状态调制心电信号非线性混沌特性的研究(纵向项目),国家自然科学基金青年基金,第二完成人,2011

3. 基于蚁群算法的超声回波参数估计算法研究(纵向项目), 陕西省科技厅项目,2013

4. 偏铌酸铅基高温压电陶瓷及石油测井用传感器研制(纵向项目),陕西省科技厅项目,2012

5. 多自由度超声波电机驱动控制技术的研究(纵向项目),陕西省科技厅项目,2010

6. 超声参量对软物质材料结构的实时分析研究(纵向项目),陕西省科技厅项目,2009


发表期刊论文(* 通信作者)

1. Huan Kang, Xiaofeng Zhang∗, Guangbin ZhangPhase permutation entropy: A complexity measure for nonlinear time series incorporating phase informationPhysica A 568 (2021) 125686

2. Yunyun Deng, Guangbin Zhang* , Xiaofeng ZhangA method to depress the transmitting voltage response flfluctuation of a double excitation piezoelectric transducerApplied Acoustics 158 (2020) 107066

3. Xin Liu, Xiao-ming Chen* , Li-na Liu, and Guang-bin Zhang*. Effect of BiAlO3 doping on dielectric and ferroelectric properties of (Bi0.5Na0.42K0.08)0.96Sr0.04Ti0.975Nb0.025O3 lead-free ceramics, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2020) 31:17491–17501

4. Jingyao Shi, Shuyuan Li, Yunyun Deng, Xiaofeng Zhang*,and Guangbin ZhangAnalysis of acoustic radiation force on a rigid sphere in a fluid-filled cylindrical cavity with an abruptly changed cross-sectionJ. Acoust. Soc. Am. 147 (1), January 2020516-524

5. Huan Kang, Xiaofeng Zhang * and Guangbin ZhangCoded Permutation Entropy: A Measure for Dynamical Changes Based on the Secondary Partitioning of Amplitude InformationEntropy 2020, 22, 187

6. Zhang, Xiaoli; Zhou, Jian-Ping*; Yao, Xi; Yang, Zupei; Zhang, Guang-Bin; Comprehensive analysis of direct and converse magnetoelectric effects in S-S mode bilayered composites, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2020, 5010-166411.

7.  Yao, Xi; Yang, Yang; Zhang, Xiao-Li; Liu, Qian; Zhou, Jian-Ping*; Chen, Xiao-Ming; Zhang, Guang-Bin; Electric and magnetic properties of some magnetodielectric composites at microwave frequency, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2020, 5010-166410.

8. Jiaai Bai, Guangbin Zhang*,Xiaofeng Zhang, A low-frequency longitudinal vibration transducer with a helical slot structureJ. Acoust. Soc. Am. 145 (5), May 20192948-2954

9. Yun Wang, Guangbin Zhang* , Xiaofeng ZhangMultilevel Image Thresholding Using Tsallis Entropy and Cooperative Pigeon-inspired Optimization Bionic Algorithm J Bionic Eng 16 (2019) 954–964

10. Shuyuan Li, Jingyao Shi, Xiaofeng Zhang*,and Guangbin ZhangAxial acoustic radiation force on a spherical particle in a zero-order Mathieu beamJ. Acoust. Soc. Am. 145 (5), May 2019

11. 康欢, 张小凤*, 张光斌,基于两参数熵的广义相位排列熵算法,中国科学 : 信息科学 2019499: 1205–1216

12.  Zhang, Xiaoli; Zhou, Jian-Ping* ; Yao, Xi; Yang, Zupei; Zhang, Guangbin; Direct and converse magnetoelectric effects of sandwiched composites worked in shear-shear mode studied by uniform equivalent circuit, AIP Advances, 2019, 9(10)0-105315.

13. Yupei Qiao, Jingyao Shi, Xiaofeng Zhang∗, Guangbin ZhangAcoustic radiation force on a rigid cylinder in an off-axis Gaussian beam near an impedance boundaryWave Motion 83 (2018) 111–120

14. Jingyao Shi, Xiaofeng Zhang, Ruimin Chen, Guangbin Zhang* Acoustic radiation force of a solid elastic sphere immersed in a cylindrical cavity filled with ideal fluidWave Motion 80 (2018) 37–46

15. 白佳霭 张光斌*,螺旋开槽结构低频换能器的性能分析,威廉希尔学报(自然科学版),2018464):45-49

16. Longyang Jia, Guangbing Zhang*, Xiaofeng Zhang, Yu Yao, Shuyu LinStudy on tangentially polarized composite cylindrical piezoelectric transducer with high electro-mechanical coupling coeffificientUltrasonics 74 (2017) 204–210

17. Yupei Qiao, Xiaofeng Zhang, and Guangbin Zhang*Acoustic radiation force on a fluid cylindrical particle immersed in water near an impedance boundaryJ. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141 (6), June 2017

18. Yupei Qiao, Xiaofeng Zhang, and Guangbin Zhang*Axial acoustic radiation force on a rigid cylinder near an impedance boundary for on-axis Gaussian beamWave Motion 74 (2017) 182–190

19. 张光斌* , 邓云云, 张小凤, 林书玉, 王峰,抑制宽带双激励换能器发射响应起伏的电学方法,中国科学: 技术科学 2016 46 11 : 1157-1165

20. 乔玉配,张小凤,张光斌*,阻抗边界对刚性圆柱形粒子声辐射力的影响,威廉希尔学报(自然科学版),2016445):58-63

21. Xiaofeng Zhang*, Qian Yun, Guangbin Zhang, Xiuna SunComputation of the Acoustic Radiation Force on a Rigid Cylinder in Off-Axial Gaussian Beam Using the Translational Addition TheoremACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICAVol. 102 (2016) 334-340

22. 贾龙洋,张光斌*师庭庭,乔玉配,褚新宇,圆柱形切向极化复合压电超声换能器,南京大学学报(自然科学),2015516):1153-1159

23. Xiaofeng Zhang*, Zhiguang Song, Dongmei Chen, Guangbin Zhang, and Hui CaoFinite series expansion of a Gaussian beam for the acoustic radiation force calculation of cylindrical particles in waterJ. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137 (4), April 2015

24. Jinghua Zhou*, Xiaofeng Zhang, Guangbin Zhang, Dongmei Chen Optimization and Parameters Estimation in Ultrasonic Echo Problems Using Modified Artificial Bee Colony AlgorithmJournal of Bionic Engineering 12 (2015) 160169

25. 孙秀娜,张小凤,张光斌*,汪 艳,常国栋,FDTD法计算刚性球形粒子离轴声辐射力,威廉希尔学报(自然科学版),2015434):28-33

26. 王彩峰,张小凤*张光斌,汪 艳,孙秀娜,基于相干小波变换的信号相位差估计,计算机工程与应用,2015516):212-216

27. 周京华,张小凤*张光斌,基于人工蜂群算法的超声回波参数估计,计算机工程与应用,20145014):189-193

28. Jian-Ping Zhou*, Yuan-Jun Ma, Guang-Bin Zhang, and Xiao-Ming ChenA uniform model for direct and converse magnetoelectric effect in laminated compositeAppl. Phys. Lett. 104, 202904 (2014)

29. Jian-Ping Zhou*, Yuan-Jun Ma, Guang-Bin Zhang, and Xiao-Ming ChenA uniform model for direct and converse magnetoelectric effect in laminated compositeAppl. Phys. Lett. 104, 202904 (2014)

30. 陈东梅,张小凤*,张光斌,周京华,王彩峰,水中刚性柱在高斯声场中的声辐射力特性,威廉希尔学报(自然科学版),2014422):27-32

31. Jian-Ping Zhou*, Yu-Xiang Zhang, Guang-Bin Zhang, and Peng LiuMagnetodielectric effect and electric-induced magnetic permeability in magnetoelectric laminate composite under low inspiring signalJ. Appl. Phys. 113, 043907 (2013)

32. 周方, 张小凤∗, 张光斌, 李锦, 蚁群算法中参数设置对超声回波估计性能的影响,中国科学 : 信息科学, 2013432: 243253

33. Xiaofeng Zhang∗, Guangbin Zhang, Acoustic Radiation Force of a Gaussian Beam Incident on Spherical Particles in WaterUltraso und in Med. & Biol. 2012.112007-2017

34. 郝君宇,张小凤,张光斌*液体中薄圆板弯曲振动特性的分析,威廉希尔学报(自然科学版),2012406):37-41

35. Xiaofeng Zhang, Guangbin Zhang∗, Kentaro Nakamura, Sadayuki UehaA robot finger joint driven by hybrid multi-DOF piezoelectric ultrasonic motorSensors and Actuators A: Physical169 (2011) 206–210

36. Zhang GuangbinWang HongyangLiao Guisheng*Frequency estimate for wideband signal with sub-Nyquist sampling. Journal of Electronics2006(02)200-203

37. Yuntao Wu*Lin MaChaohuan HouGuangbin ZhangJunLiSubspace based method for joint Range and DOA estimation of mu1tiple near-field sourcesSignal Processing200686(8):2129-2133



1. Yaqiong HeGuangbin Zhang*Xiaofeng ZhangMultilevel Thresholding Based on Fuzzy Masi Entropy2021 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Computer ApplicationDalianChinaJanuary 2021

2. Yunyun Deng, Guangbin Zhang*, and Xiaofeng ZhangA radial vibration low frequency transducer with periodic axial slotted structure2019 International Congress on UltrasonicsBruges, Belgium3-6 September 2019

3. Jingyao Shi, Xiaofeng Zhang, and Guangbin ZhanAcoustic radiation force on a rigid microsphere in a flfluid-fifilled rigid cylindrical cavity with Helmholtz resonator end2019 International Congress on UltrasonicsBruges, Belgium3-6 September 2019


1. 张光斌,代志强,大振幅超声球形金属粉末的制备装置与方法,ZL201711240113.9,第4335131号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2021-04-02

2. 张小凤,孙琳,张光斌,一种双腔耦合型噪声发电机及发电方法,ZL201911395052.2,第****号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2021-04-16

3. 张光斌,代志强,低频窄波束换能器及换能方法与应用,ZL201910894854.1第4179934号, 国内发明专利,授权日期:2020-12-29

4. 康欢,张小凤,张光斌,一种基于相位排列熵的心电信号异常识别方法,ZL201810088734.8,第4029863号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2020-10-16

5. 张光斌,邓云云,张小凤,一种周期结构开槽圆管纵-径振动转换水声换能器及换能方法ZL201711000745.8,第4122293号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2020-12-01

6. 张光斌,白佳霭,张小凤,一种小尺寸大振幅螺旋弹簧低频换能器,ZL201710707910.7,第3550066号国内发明专利,授权日期: 2019-10-08

7. 张光斌,邓云云,张小凤,一种小尺寸周向螺旋开槽纵向振动水声换能器,ZL201710707927.2,第3411270号, 国内发明专利,授权日期:2019-06-11

8. 张光斌,吴子洋,张小凤,小尺寸低频换能器及基于此的过油管声波测井系统及方法,ZL201710031842.7,第3277895号, 国内发明专利,授权日期:2019-03-05

9. 张光斌,李媛媛,张小凤等,一种超宽带水声换能器,ZL201610606848.8,第3359739号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2019-05-03

10. 张小凤,李永杰,史菁尧,张光斌,一种纵扭复合的压电振动盘及方法和应用,ZL201711188095.4,第3473914号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2019-07-30

11. 张小凤,史菁尧,李永杰,张光斌,一种超声波马达汽车自动转向系统及汽车自动转向方法,ZL201711188096.9 ,第3422909号国内发明专利,授权日期:2019-06-18

12. 张光斌,吴子洋(*),张小凤,一种主动式噪声压裂效果检测方法ZL201610008587.X,第2936571号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2018-05-25

13. 张光斌,邓云云(*),张小凤,双激励换能器的频带展宽电学方法及双激励水声换能器,ZL201510941412.X 3125790号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2018-10-26

14. 张光斌,李壮壮(*),张小凤,一种超声波高压线防积雪装置,ZL201610227620.8,第2696595号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2017-11-14

15. 张光斌,刘长鑫(*),张小凤,一种超声波高压线除冰装置,ZL201610227631.6,第2626443号,国内发明专利,授权日期: 2017-09-29

16. 张小凤,褚昕宇(*),张光斌,赵鹏(*),一种压电喷水推进系统及安装此系统的玩具船,ZL201510375622.7 2483991号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2017-05-17

17. 张小凤,张光斌,郭心伟(*),姚育(*),褚昕宇(*),一种气幕自洁防雨装置ZL201510283488.8,第2532743号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2017-06-27

18. 张光斌,张小凤,师庭庭(*),贾龙洋(*),李春齐(*),姚育(*),赵鹏(*),节能型超声波隐形汽车雨刷系统,ZL201510041437.4,第2436081号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2017-04-05

19. 张光斌,张小凤,姚育(*),李春齐(*),韩丽娜(*),贠倩(*),王治超(*),一种声波接收换能器及井下方位噪声检漏装置和检漏方法,ZL201410219409.2,第2285502号国内发明专利,授权日期:2016-08-24

20. 张小凤,张光斌,管道泄漏的超声波检测装置及方法ZL201310263799.9,第1844471号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2015-11-18

21. 张光斌,张小凤,弯曲板波液体密度计,ZL201110427630.3,第1322798号,国内发明专利,授权日期:2013-12-18

地址:威廉希尔长安校区致知楼 | 邮编:710119 | 电话:029-81530750 | Email:wlbg@snnu.edu.cn