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职称/职务: 教授
电话: 029-81530771
传真: 029-81530771
电子信箱: chenl@snnu.edu.cn
出生年月: 1983-09
办公地点: 致知楼3545


2005 – 2011 博士,东南大学物理系,导师:黄洪斌教授

2001 – 2005 学士,东南大学物理系


2017.02 – now, School of Physics and Information Technology,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an, China 

2016.10 – 2017.01 Visiting scientist,  Complex system division, Beijing Computational Science Research Centre (CSRC), Beijing, China

2013.10 –  2016.10 Postdoc, Project Group 4 - Epidemiological Modeling of Infectious diseases (headed by Prof. Dirk BrockmannRobert-Koch Institute  (equivalent to German CDC) & Institute for Theoretical Biology (ITB), Department of Biology, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

 2011.08 – 2013.09 Postdoc,  Department of Biological physics, Max Planck Institute for the physics of complex systems, Dresden, Germany


Fields: Statistical Physics, Complex networks, Nonlinear dynamics, Epidemic spreading, Swarm, Evolutionary game theory, and Complex systems in general.

Physics is what physicists are interested in, defined by their working approaches rather than the subjects.  I am interested in complex systems, which are ubiquitous at every scale in nature and society. Trained in theoretical physics, I study those systems utilizing the concepts and tools borrowed from statistical physics, network theory, nonlinear dynamics, game theory. The philosophy that drives my research is that complex emerging behaviors of certain systems are actually governed by very simple rules. The fields I ever worked or working in include synchronization of networked oscillators, swarming behaviors, modeling the spread of infectious diseases, self-organized criticality, and evolutionary game theory etc. I work with the best scientists in those disciplines. 

My research interest is diverse and is changing all the time, which is good in the sense for the potential cross-fertilisation, but also criticized by some friends for the risky of being superficial. The following are selected research achievements in the past:

- Coinfection dynamics

[1]L. Chen, F. Ghanbarnejad, W. R. Cai, P. Grassberger, Outbreak of coinfection: the critical role of cooperativity. Europhys. Lett. 104, 50001 (2013). [Selected as EPL Highlights of 2013]. 

[2]W. R. Cai, L. Chen, F. Ghanbarnejad, P. Grassberger, Avalanche outbreaks emerging in cooperative contagions. Nature Physics, 11, 936 (2015) [Equal contribution].  

Media coverage: Wissenschaft-aktuell (in German, 大众科学), Welt der Physik (in German, 物理世界), Phys.org (in English, 物理学家组织网), Video Highlights (made by Research Square, arxived also by McK Works). 
[3]P. Grassberger, L. Chen, F. Ghanbarnejad , W. R. Cai, Phase transitions in cooperative coinfections: simulation results for networks and lattices. Phys. Rev. E 93, 042316 (2016). 
[4]L. Chen, F. Ghanbarnejad, D. Brockmann, Fundamental properties of cooperative contagion processes, New J. Physics 19, 103041 (2017). (see also the video abstract and the d3 animation for the model

Media coverage: ScienceDaily, Phys.orgNews-medical.net,  EurekAlert!Infection control todayScienceNewsline etc.

- Swarming dynamics

 [1]L. Chen, C. Huepe, T. Gross, Adaptive network models of collective decision making in swarming systems, Phys. Rev. E 94, 022415 (2016).

- Synchronization induced by decoupling

[1] L. Chen, C. Qiu, H. B. Huang, Synchronization with on-off coupling: role of time scales in network dynamics. Phys. Rev. E (Rapid communications), 79, 045101 (2009). 

[2]L. Chen, C. Qiu, H. B. Huang, G. X. Qi, H. J. Wang, Facilitated synchronization of complex networks through a discontinuous coupling strategy. Eur. Phys. J. B 76, 625 (2010). 

[3]L. Chen, C. Qiu, H. B. Huang, G. X. Qi, H. J. Wang, Coevolution of synchronous activity and connectivity in coupled chaotic oscillators. Phys. Rev. E 82, 056115 (2010). 

[4]L. Chen, C. Qiu, H. B. Huang, G. X. Qi, H. J. Wang, Understanding synchronization from simple core of chaotic equation. Phys. Lett. A 375, 149 (2010).

Full publication list can be found at my personal websites: https://sites.google.com/site/chenlichaos/

Funding support:

1. 威廉希尔科研启动经费(2017年起) 50万;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(“地理空间上的协同传播动力学”,项目编号:61703257,2018-2020)25万;

3. 威廉希尔理论物理学术交流和人才培养平台建设项目(项目编号:11747309,2018)38万。





热力学与统计物理 (大三秋季学期)


本科毕业设计:张鹏博,陆自亮,张晋国,袁航,曹浩宇(2018届);毛阳,赵雅玲 (2019届)。


Other activities: Review for PRL, PRB, PRE, EPL, New J Physics, Scientific Reports, J Theoretical Biology, Physical Letter A,Physica A, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, J Phys. A et al.


地址:威廉希尔长安校区致知楼 | 邮编:710119 | 电话:029-81530750 | Email:wlbg@snnu.edu.cn